Type of material: One person plays
Frequency: Annual
Remuneration: $500 cash prize, and possible production and performance of the winning play
Guidelines (summary): Play can have been produced and performed anywhere but Los Angeles, 2 play submission limit, 10 minute minimum and 95 minute maximum. See the full guidelines for more details.
Submission Procedure: Summary, script, and resume; materials will not be returned
Submission Period: January 1 – June 30st
Notification: July 31st
Frequency: Annual
Remuneration: $500 cash prize, and possible production and performance of the winning play
Guidelines (summary): Play can have been produced and performed anywhere but Los Angeles, 2 play submission limit, 10 minute minimum and 95 minute maximum. See the full guidelines for more details.
Submission Procedure: Summary, script, and resume; materials will not be returned
Submission Period: January 1 – June 30st
Notification: July 31st